Seohan Kim

Visiting Master’s Student

Member of the lab: April 2023

About me: (another name was Bae-Guen Kim) I completed a bachelor’s degree in Radiological Science at the Gachon University Medical Campus. During my undergraduate studies, I had the opportunity to participate in various research programs, which allowed me to experience the satisfaction of implementing my ideas. During this time, I decided to pursue a career in medical physics. I was drawn to its wide-ranging and practical applications, which involve using mathematical and physical theories to explain complex biological processes. Currently, I am pursuing a master’s degree at the College of Medicine at the Catholic University of Korea, which offers an accredited medical physics program recognized by the International Organization for Medical Physics (IOMP). I had the honor of visiting the b-lab through a scholarship program in Korea.

Research Interests: I have a keen interest in dose calculation for radiopharmaceutical therapy (RPT) in both macro and micro scales, particularly in estimating the relative biological effectiveness. Currently, I am involved in developing a TOPAS extension library for Diffusing Alpha-emitters Radiation Therapy (DaRT) with the b-lab. This extension allows for modeling the multi-step decay process and diffusion of alpha isotopes over time, enabling accurate calculation of the dose distribution for DaRT seeds. Furthermore, I am actively engaged in outcome modeling to predict the effects of radiotherapy (RT), particularly in relation to lymphopenia. My research has focused on investigating lymphocyte depletion associated with blood dose and developing an NTCP model to estimate the risk of radiation-induced lymphopenia (RIL). Additionally, I am currently conducting research to identify local dose patterns that predict RIL using voxel-based analysis. In addition to the above, I am also interested in designing safer and more effective treatment approaches. Exploring innovative methods to enhance patient outcomes is an area of great interest to me.

Awards and Honors

  • 2023 K-cloud scholarship for abroad exchange program offered by Hanyang University and Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power Co. Ltd (KHNP) in Korea
  • Extraordinary Student Award by the President of Gachon University


  • Kim BG, Kang SH, Park CR, Jeong HW, Lee Y. Noise Level and Similarity Analysis for Computed Tomographic Thoracic Image with Fast Non-Local Means Denoising Algorithm. Appl Sci 2020, 10, 7455, 

Conference talks

  • Kim S, Byun H, Shin J, Lee I, Sung W. “Normal Tissue Complication Probability Modeling of Radiation-Induced Lymphopenia after Abdominal Radiotherapy”, American Association of Physics of Medicine (AAPM), Annual Meeting 2022 
  • Kim S, Byun H, Shin J, Lee I, Sung W. “Analysis of lymphocyte depletion with blood dose”, Korean Association for Radiation Protection (KARP), Annual Meeting 2022 
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