Víctor Valladolid-Onecha, Ph.D.

Postdoctoral Fellow

Member of the lab: November 2023 –
List item

About me: I was born in Burgos, a small city in the north of Spain. When I turned 18, I moved to Madrid (Spain) to study for a BSc in Physics at the Complutense University in Madrid. Right after, I enrolled in an MSc in Nuclear Physics at the same university, where I focused on the medical application of physics. At this point, I realized I wanted to pursue a career in medical physics research. I did my Ph.D. at the University Complutense of Madrid, and right now, I am a Postdoc researcher at Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, US).

Research Interests: My whole research has been dedicated to the field of medical physics, focusing both on the experimental and the simulation development ambits. More specifically, a significant part of my prior work was based on implementing existing and novel algorithms into Graphical Processing Units (GPUs). The primary objective was to accelerate and enhance various medical applications, making them more accurate and feasible in their clinical application. Now, at the MGH, we are developing a GPU-implemented reverse-MonteCarlo code for the backward propagation of photons. I am also involved in several interesting projects that are carried out in this group, such as the study of microdosimetry in cells.

Awards and Honors


  • Onecha VV, Galve P, Ibáñez P, Freijo C, Arias-Valcayo F, Sanchez-Parcerisa D, España S, Fraile LM, Udías JM. Dictionary-based software for proton dose reconstruction and submilimetric range verification. Phys Med Biol (2022) 67:045002. doi:10.1088/1361-6560/ac4efc
  • España S, Sánchez-Parcerisa D, Ibáñez P, Sánchez-Tembleque V, Udías JM, Onecha VV, Gutierrez-Uzquiza A, Bäcker CM, Bäumer C, Herrmann K, et al. Direct proton range verification using oxygen-18 enriched water as a contrast agent. Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2021) 182:109385. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109385
  • Sanchez-Tembleque V, Sanchez-Parcerisa D, Valladolid-Onecha V, Fraile LM, Udias JM. Simultaneous measurement of the spectral and temporal properties of a LINAC pulse from outside the treatment room. Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2019) 158:1–5. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2019.01.002
  • España S, Sánchez-Parcerisa D, Bragado P, Gutiérrez-Uzquiza Á, Porras A, Gutiérrez-Neira C, Espinosa A, Onecha VV, Ibáñez P, Sánchez-Tembleque V, et al. In vivo production of fluorine-18 in a chicken egg tumor model of breast cancer for proton therapy range verification. Sci Rep (2022) 12:7075. doi:10.1038/s41598-022-11037-7
  • Espinosa Rodriguez A, Onecha VV, Sánchez-Tembleque V, Gutiérrez-Neira C, García-Díez M, Ibáñez P, España S, Sánchez-Parcerisa D, Udías JM, Fraile LM. Can iodine be used as a contrast agent for protontherapy range verification? Measurement of the 127I(p,n)127mXe (reaction) cross section in the 4.5–10 MeV energy range. Radiation Physics and Chemistry (2021) 185:109485. doi:10.1016/j.radphyschem.2021.109485

Conference talks

  • Onecha VV, Udías JM, Fraile LM, España Palomares S, Paganetti H, Verburg J. Ultra-fast photon GPU MC for online proton range verification based in prompt gamma / Selected Oral Abstract. IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium, 2022, Milano, Italy.
  • Valladolid Onecha V, Espinosa Rodríguez A, Sanchez Parcerisa D, Urias JM, Fraile LM, García Díez M, Ibáñez P, España Palomares S, Vinals Onses S. Prompt-gamma measurements of 18O as contrast agent for proton range verification / Selected Oral Abstract. European Nuclear Physics Conference 2022, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.
  • Onecha VV, Sanchez-Tembleque V, Espinosa Rodríguez A, Ibáñez P, García-Díez M, España S, Sanchez-Parcerisa D, Gutiérrez-Neira C, García G, Viñals S, Vera JA, Mazal A, Udías JM, Fraile LM. Reaction cross sections of prompt-gamma and PET radioisotopes for range verification in proton therapy / Selected Oral Abstract. 15th International Conference on Nuclear Data for Science and Technology, online.
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